death, Depression, Family, friendship, Grandpa, Journal, Life, r.i.p, rest in peace, Uncategorized, Update

Its Been Awhile…

The good news Feb 14th, 2020 I got a new friend and hes is the sweetest little love bug ever. His names Vader (I did not pick the name he already had it 😆). Hiyah.. Its been a while since I have written anything for my blog. Reasons being is because I have simply been… Continue reading Its Been Awhile…

Family, friendship, guinea pigs, hamster, hard, heartbreak, Life, lose, love, Pets, pocket pets, r.i.p, rats, rest in peace, Thank You

Love and Loss

It’s funny how the littlest things in your life can make you the happiest. Then that something can turn around in a second and make you sad beyond belief. But do we really cry because they are gone? Or is the crying really because we are thinking about all the good memories that were made… Continue reading Love and Loss

death, friendship, guinea pigs, heartbreak,, lose, love, Pets, pocket pets, r.i.p, rest in peace, small and furry, uncle. family

For My Baby Tubbeles

My mother got me Tubbeles for my birthday in 2013. After i lost my dog at the age of 16 years old, old for a dog he had a very good life and was spoiled rotten but it still killed me and to be honest when i lost him it shut my heart to loving… Continue reading For My Baby Tubbeles

friendship, heartbreak,, lose, love, missing, r.i.p, rest in peace, uncle. family

For My Uncle June 1, 1961- July 17, 2011

This post is about my best friend and uncle mike he was very important to me. He passed away last year around this time July 17th, 2011 on my birthday of all days not a good birthday present I know but I come to accept the fact he’s gone and isn't coming back. On a… Continue reading For My Uncle June 1, 1961- July 17, 2011

abuse, death, domestic violence, friendship, lose, love, missing, poems

Poem for a Friend

The girl this poem is about was in a abusive relationship. As I myself have been in a relationship such as that I understand her pain she went threw and how hard it is to get away. I was lucky I did before it got worst then it already was but sadly she was not… Continue reading Poem for a Friend