Family, friendship, guinea pigs, hamster, hard, heartbreak, Life, lose, love, Pets, pocket pets, r.i.p, rats, rest in peace, Thank You

Love and Loss

It’s funny how the littlest things in your life can make you the happiest. Then that something can turn around in a second and make you sad beyond belief. But do we really cry because they are gone? Or is the crying really because we are thinking about all the good memories that were made when they were here?

I have lost a lot of pets in my life time some were harder on me then others I won’t lie about that. My dog Kasey being one of the hardest in my life! I had him for 16 years. Saying he was a huge part of my life might be an understatement to say the least. That dog got me threw more hard times than anyone could imagine. He knew all my secrets and my flaws and loved me anyway. I got to have 16 years of amazing memories of him to keep with me throughout the rest of my life for that I am grateful. But on December 25, 2011 in the morning when my beloved dog of 16 years passed. I did not want to feel that kind of pain ever again.

But then my mom had gotten me a gift for my birthday. This little guinea pig I never had a guinea pig before and I wasn’t too sure about him. But that little guy with white and brown fur with a little grey somewhat silver spot made his way into my heart and it didn’t talk long he had me wrapped. I named him Tubbeles because it was unique just like his personality. I would take him out of his cage sit him on the bed with me for hours. The whole time he’d never go to the bathroom on the bed which I thought was rather strange. He would also run right up me no matter how many times I would put him back on the bed.  Has if he only ever wanted me to hold him. But I owed that guinea pig everything because he gave me something I had once lost. Not only a friend but my heart, he showed me that it was okay for me to love another animal to open myself up to having that again in my life. That just because I had lost my beloved dog Kasey, did not mean I had to feel as if loving another animal was somehow betraying him. Then not much longer after my Tubbeles entered my life another sweet boy named Mohawk came along and joined the family. Moe Moe was a very fluffy long haired guinea pig and all grey. He was such a good bough and oh so sweet. He loved everyone and loved to get attention. It always made me smile at how happy they would get when you went up to their cages, or when you brought them a carrot. Oh how they absolutely loved them carrots.

Sadly my time was not long with them at least not as long as I would have hoped. My silly, goofy, and crazy boy Tubbeles passed away on Jan 23, 2015. His adoptive brother my sweet, fluffy, calm boy Mohawk aka Moe Moe passed away on April 19, 2015. Losing them both so close together was hard as anyone that has ever had a pet and lost one would understand.

But I stayed strong because I had 3 other pets to stay strong for. Plus they depend on me and I wasn’t about to let them down. I had gotten a little hamster in August of 2014 known as Sadie she is such a sweet little one even though the girl that got her from the tank for me from the pet store did not do so in a nice manner. It took her a little while but she came around and like all my animals mean so much to me. I also had Chewy a very hyper and high personality guinea pig he is such a hoot, such a silly boy. My friend had also gotten me a pet rat that previous Christmas he was such a cute little thing. And because he was all while like a ghost his name become Casper. Sadly Casper passed away yesterday 12/03/2015.

Right now I have Chewy, Guido, and Miss Sadie. I have been crying half the time that I was writing this out. Not only because I just lost my sweet little boy Casper at only a 1 ½ years of age.

But because every time I look up I see his cage expecting to see his little face peaking rom the corner looking at me. Even though I know he’s gone.

Or because I see Guido and Chewy such young boys and I fear the day when I will lose them as well.

And my little one my Sadie girl whose age I really don’t know. But has been with me for a year and three months now and I know they only live to be 2 to 3 years of age.

Knowing a day will come when they are no longer there scares me beyond measure. I cannot change them passing when that time comes. Anymore so then I can change the way the stars shine or winds blow. All I know is of what I can do. Which is to give them the best and happiest life of which they deserve.

I have given my pets a home, food in their bellies, and my love. But what they have given me doesn’t even compare.

I love them all living and the ones that have passed.

So to finish this off.

I want to say thank you to.




I promise to take good care of you and give you the life that you deserve!





I hope you know how much I love you, miss you, and how much you have given me.

I love you always and forever. And nothing will ever change in that love. Even in death you are still with me.

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